Hello, I'm Mel P.

I one hundred percent have to have animals in my life in order to be happy! There's only been one time in my life where I couldn't have a pet, it was bloody miserable I tell you! Luckily there was a neighbourhood cat that sometimes visited me, that made it somewhat bearable. I've lived in quite a few different places. Not long after I moved to Grafton, I started working at an equine veterinary practice. About a year later I was promoted to Practice Manager. I had a fire in my belly, loved the job with a passion and put my all into the role. I had great success however I struggled to "leave work at work" and became burnt out. After extensive research I took the plunge into becoming a dog breeder, deciding Cavoodles were my breed of choice. I still breed Cavoodles but have also incorporated other breeds into my program including Cavaliers, Shoodles, Moodles and Shmoodles. My aim is to produce companion dogs that will suit a wide variety of people including families with young children, retirees, empty nesters, young couples, single people, people with a backyard, people living in apartments....you get the gist! All the dogs I breed (except for the Cavaliers) are non-shedding, making them suitable for an even wider variety of people. When considering which matings to pair, I prioritise the following in order: 1) Health 2) Temperament 3) Looks Of course everyone loves a gorgeous fluffy friend that's super cute to boot but I will never prioritise looks over health and temperament. Getting all three is the ultimate goal!