The Groodle, also known as the Goldendoodle, is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Depending on the size of the Poodle parent, a Groodle can be either medium or large in size. Being a mixed breed, their appearance can differ between dogs. Groodles often have a shaggy appearance with a thick, curly, fluffy or wiry…
Image courtesy of Maisie Moo Groodles
Newborn litter
Hello, I am a small boutique, ethical breeder, living on acerage in Balingup SW of Perth. My first breeding experience was with Blue Heelers back in the…
Newborn litter
We’re passionate about our pooches. We are a small family breeder of groodles and ultra-groodles in the Hawkesbury area of Sydney. We believe the love of a…
Newborn litter
Medium, miniature and small standard Groodles, located in Dubbo NSW. These dogs have been bred with clear DNA testing and excellent hip/elbow scores. The…
Newborn litter
Welcome to Apache Park Groodles, we pride ourselves in breeding happy, healthy puppies with the very best of temperaments. I am Sharlene Bysouth and my…
Newborn litter
We are a small-scale, ethical and responsible Groodle breeder whose goal is to provide you with a healthy, well rounded puppy that fits perfectly into your…
Newborn litter
We have been breeding amazing groodles on our farm in NE Victoria for nearly a decade now and all our dogs live with us enjoying the country life. Our…
Newborn litter
Vera's Mini Groodles are selected for their outstanding health and temper to create the perfect family dog. Our fur babies live the dog's life on 20 acres…
Newborn litter
I'm Karen, a passionate animal lover. I have grown up owning and rescuing animals all my life. My dogs are my passion
Newborn litter
We are a small family breeder of Standard and medium F1 and f1b Groodles, located in the Snowy Mountains of NSW. We are proud to be a small scale, ethical…