The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS), also known as Cavaliers or 'Cavies' for short, is a Toy dog of the spaniel variety, originating from the United Kingdom. Cavaliers are small dogs, with a flat head, short snout and a long, silky coat. A Cavalier’s coat is either wavy or silky, moderate in length, with four recognised…
Image courtesy of Sielle Place Cavaliers
Newborn litter
My name is Robyn. I am a self confessed cavalier lover. As a child I grew up with Cavalier King Charles spaniels in our home as part of our family. I have…
Newborn litter
We are a small breeder of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels located in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Our dogs are part of our family and our puppies get a…
Newborn litter
Hi, my name is Michele. I have a small family-run breeding program in southwest WA breeding Cavaliers and Cavoodles. I am vet audited and take pride in…
Newborn litter
Hi and welcome! We are Serenity bay, and we take pride in successfully breeding quality Cavaliers. Shane and Myself have been breeding and striving for…
Newborn litter
Hi, I'm Donna,' I'm passionate about Cavaliers and working towards improving their health issues. I currently own 3 males who have the protective heart gene…
Newborn litter
Welcome to our family-owned breeding program, proudly registered with the Responsible Pet Breeders Association (RPBA). We specialize in raising adorable…
Newborn litter
Woods Cavaliers has been loving this breed for many years now. We have beautiful line of Cavaliers who have great temperaments, DNA & type.
Newborn litter
Hi My name is Carolyn.. I’m a breeder of cavaliers and cocker spaniels. Pups are raised on the world class Empowered breeders program. From Day 3 EARLY…
Newborn litter
Cavaliscious is located in Nowra NSW. All of our dogs live in a family environment with my husband and myself and our 3 sons. Our dogs enjoy coming out as a…