The Groodle, also known as the Goldendoodle, is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Depending on the size of the Poodle parent, a Groodle can be either medium or large in size. Being a mixed breed, their appearance can differ between dogs. Groodles often have a shaggy appearance with a thick, curly, fluffy or wiry…
Image courtesy of Maisie Moo Groodles
Newborn litter
At Manny Park we mix the amazing poodle with the very best of other purebreds: Golden Retriever, Border Collie, Australian Shepard and in 2024 the much…
Newborn litter
We love dogs! So how did we get started in our breeding program? Well, this dates back to 2007 with our first Golden Retriever “Molly”. We had a some interest…
Newborn litter
Welcome to Apache Park Groodles, we pride ourselves in breeding happy, healthy puppies with the very best of temperaments. I am Sharlene Bysouth and my…
Newborn litter
Welcome to UMINA BEACH GROODLES proudly 'creating canine companions, one paw at a time'. We are a small breeder of mini, medium & standard size Groodles. We…
Expecting litter
At Oaklands Oodles, We use our knowledge gained over 2 decades of experience spanning across Veterinary Nursing, Dog Training, Animal Pharmaceutical industry,…
Newborn litter
After purchasing our first Groodle for our family as a therapy dog, we decided to ethically breed two litters a year for temperament so other families can…
Newborn litter
Welcome to the Sunshine Goldens and Groodles family, where love, care, and ethical breeding create the foundation for a lifetime of happiness with your new…
Newborn litter
Hi, my name is Ru. I'm an ethical registered recreational breeder based in Mornington on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. I'm passionate about…
Newborn litter
Welcome to Jokinen Park! We are located in Arcadia, in Sydney's Hills District on a 5 acre property home to a variety of farm animals and experiences for…