The Groodle, also known as the Goldendoodle, is a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. Depending on the size of the Poodle parent, a Groodle can be either medium or large in size. Being a mixed breed, their appearance can differ between dogs. Groodles often have a shaggy appearance with a thick, curly, fluffy or wiry…
Image courtesy of Maisie Moo Groodles
Newborn litter
Hi all, I started breeding pedigree dogs at the age of 17. It has always been a passion of mine to perfect and breed the best companion dogs possible. My…
Newborn litter
Vera's Mini Groodles are selected for their outstanding health and temper to create the perfect family dog. Our fur babies live the dog's life on 20 acres…
Newborn litter
Established in 2019, Adelaide Groodles was created by Sam and Amanda, driven by their passion to share the beautiful, loving, and goofy temperament of the…
Newborn litter
Our breeding program is one of love and affection. We birth our puppies in a quiet place and keep them inside our home for approximately the first 4 weeks to…
Newborn litter
Welcome to Apache Park Groodles, we pride ourselves in breeding happy, healthy puppies with the very best of temperaments. I am Sharlene Bysouth and my…
Newborn litter
Welcome to UMINA BEACH GROODLES proudly 'creating canine companions, one paw at a time'. We are a small breeder of mini, medium & standard size Groodles. We…
Newborn litter
We are a holistic breeder of Toy Poodles and Groodles. We do not take deposits and will not sell a pup without a meet and greet as we believe the puppy…
Newborn litter
We are a small family breeder of Standard and medium F1 and f1b Groodles, located in the Snowy Mountains of NSW. We are proud to be a small scale, ethical…
Newborn litter
We are a small-scale, ethical and responsible Groodle breeder whose goal is to provide you with a healthy, well rounded puppy that fits perfectly into your…