The Jack Russell Terrier, or simply the Jack Russell, is a small and spirited breed that originated in England during the 19th century. Developed primarily for fox hunting, this tenacious and agile dog quickly gained popularity as a skilled vermin hunter and beloved companion. With a compact and muscular build, the Jack Russell…
Image courtesy of Riverlands Jack Russell Terriers
Planned litter
Welcome, we breed pedigree Jack Russell Terriers broken and rough coats. We are located in the Northern rivers NSW on 100 acres. Our dogs live as part of…
Riverlands is a Dogs NSW breeder located in the South-Western slopes of NSW breeding Jack Russell Terriers, Fox Terrier Smooth, Labrador Retrievers and…
We have been breeding, showing, working & loving our dogs for over 30 years. Our aims are to produce the most healthy, intelligent, easy to manage dogs that…
We want you! Join our community of responsible breeders and be one of the first Jack Russell Terrier breeders on RightPaw!
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