Hello, I'm Tam B.
Hello, I'm Tam and I own Arangely Cavaliers, a pedigree Cavalier King Charles Spaniel stud. I have many years experience with horses and cattle and dogs as we have an Australian Stock Horse stud and an Angus cattle stud and we use working dogs on our farm. I began our stud and registered the prefix, Arangely Cavaliers in 2021, after the purchase of MirannieCavs Ziggie in 2020. Ziggie, is by Parkview Simon Says, who has been very a very influential dog and he is known for his temperament, which he has passed onto his progeny. Ziggie, is an active, delightful, kind and loving dog. She is a Tri colour. I have never experienced the love from an animal that Ziggie gives to us as a family. She has brought so much love into our family. Her loyalty is second to none and as a companion you could not wish for a more loving pet.